2 min read


Photo by KOBU Agency / Unsplash

As I mentioned in my previous post I have been on and off studying to become a self taught full stack developer for some years already without success. Call it lack of discipline, ADHD, finding excuses to stop, or whatever, but every time I try to start it leads to the same result. I have started HTML and CSS over and over and over, and I know it's not technically starting from scratch but I still feel like I waste time going over and over again the same concepts.

Enter ChatGPT

I'm going to have Chat GPT act as my tutor I did a simple prompt so that it can produce a study outline based on my goals and tailored to myself. This is the prompt and the result.

And this is what ChatGPT produced (It produced content for each Week) but I don't want to overwhelm myself so I am just posting the titles.

This is the sample for Week 1 and 2

So now that I have a pretty beefy outline that's what I'm going to try an accomplish. For week 1 and 2 I was planning on just glancing trough it but after trying to complete a random exercise and trying to figure out why my code wasn't working only to realize I HADN'T LINKED THE CSS FILE (I am so ashamed for this), I decided that I will give it at least 3 days to HTML and CSS.

This is the sample website that I worked on.

If you are still reading I want to thank you for your time and if you are interested to follow my struggles as an average person trying to switch from a Graphic Design career into a Web Developer make sure to follow, like or subscribe. I'm pretty sure I will make a lot of mistakes and you will have a good time reading about my misfortunes.